
Showing posts from June, 2008

My name is L-I, L-I...

So, what was that old rhyme really about anyway? And what exactly do you call that hand clapping routine that goes along with it? I am willing to bet that most people (especially ladies) around my age can recall the words to My Name is L-I, L-I, Chickali, chickali...although I am coming to find that there are some variations by region and age. For example the youngest of us three seems to recall something random thing being in the rhyme, and the older, wiser ones recall something about someone named Lester? Or was it Vester?  Anyhow, these "clapping songs" have been around a  long, long time and they seem to mutate every year. How do they have anything to do with our blog? Well, yesterday I was sitting around with my cousin's daughter, Bianca, at a birthday party. Now, the majority of the people at the party were adults, so it was no surprise that after a little while Bianca turned to me with that kid complaint, "I'm bored!!!!!"  Of course when a child speak...